Home | Products | Viewing angle nir | VCPROBE-NIR-STG
The VCProbe-NIR-STG is optimized for the analysis of DUTs with an emitting light in NIR. It is designed to precisely measure characteristics of flood illuminators, stereoscopic imaging, structured light illumination components.

VCProbe-NIR-STG is ideal to measure small aperture NIR sources and provides an efficient measurement solution for near-infrared sources such as LEDs and lasers.
This system allows a full map within a ±70° viewing angle cone and an excellent angular resolution, with a working distance at 4mm permitting
non-contact measurements.
Recommended for 2.5 mm exit pupil emitters.
DXY +/- 1 mm allowance for repeatability better than 1% against position for easy online positioning.
The VCProbe-NIR-STG is calibrated at a wavelength of 940 nm and allows high speed and accurate measurements for applications on R&D as well as mass production/QC.
Should you need a similar system for a special project or mass production,
we can build a system meeting your requirements.

- Wavelength calibrated at 940nm
- Facial recognition
- R&D and mass production/QC
- 3D sensing & Imaging
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