ELDIM booth :
Eldim team would like to thank everybody for visiting us at our booth!
It was a pleasure meeting you and presenting an overview of our product range. We were delighted to showcase five products:

For those who haven’t the chance to visit us during Display Week 2024, we are sharing with you a little tour of our booth here.
We hope you enjoyed the show and the layout of our booth.
Poster Session:
On the final day of display week, Dr Collomb-Patton from ELDIM showcased a research poster at the poster session focusing on polarization analysis of AR/VR pancakes lenses. During the presentation she had the opportunity to discuss with people interested in this subject.

For those who want to have more information the research Poster of Dr Collomb-Patton form ELDIM please contact us here.
We hope to see you soon and we invite you to follow us on our different networks, Linkedin, X and Youtube. This way, you can stay updated on our latest news and join us at the upcoming tradeshow.
See you next year! at the Display Week 2025 in San Jose!